Action library




actionTypes → const List<ActionType>
[getInvolved, learn, advocate, raiseMoney]
advocate → const ActionType
ActionType(name: "Advocate", icon: CustomIcons.ic_raiseawareness, primaryColor: orange0, secondaryColor: orange1, tertiaryColor: orange2)
blue0 → const Color
Color.fromRGBO(38, 151, 211, 1)
blue1 → const Color
Color.fromRGBO(190, 224, 242, 1)
blue2 → const Color
Color.fromRGBO(99, 180, 223, 1)
campaignActionTypeData → const Map
{CampaignActionType.Volunteer : {'name' : "volunteer", 'verb' : "Volunteer", 'pastVerb' : "Volunteered", 'displayName' : "volunteer&q…
defaultCampaignActionTypeData → const Map
{'name' : "other", 'verb' : "Complete", 'pastVerb' : "Completed", 'displayName' : "special action", 'type' : getInvolved…
getInvolved → const ActionType
ActionType(name: "Get involved", icon: CustomIcons.ic_getinvolved, primaryColor: orange0, secondaryColor: orange1, tertiaryColor: orange2)
green0 → const Color
Color.fromRGBO(89, 152, 26, 1)
green1 → const Color
Color.fromRGBO(230, 240, 221, 1)
green2 → const Color
Color.fromRGBO(177, 199, 155, 1)
learn → const ActionType
ActionType(name: "Learn", icon: CustomIcons.ic_learning, primaryColor: blue0, secondaryColor: blue1, tertiaryColor: blue2)
orange0 → const Color
Color.fromRGBO(255, 136, 0, 1)
orange1 → const Color
Color.fromRGBO(255, 237, 217, 1)
orange2 → const Color
Color.fromRGBO(231, 190, 162, 1)
raiseMoney → const ActionType
ActionType(name: "Raise money", icon: CustomIcons.ic_raisemoney, primaryColor: yellow0, secondaryColor: yellow1, tertiaryColor: yellow2)
rejectionReasons → const List<String>
["It requires too much effort", "It takes too long", "It does not seem useful/impactful", "I have completed too many of these", "This is not something …
timeBrackets → const List<Map>
[{"text" : "1-5 mins", "minTime" : 0, "maxTime" : 5}, {"text" : "5-15 mins", "minTime" : 5, "maxTime" : 15}, {"text…
yellow0 → const Color
Color.fromRGBO(243, 183, 0, 1)
yellow1 → const Color
Color.fromRGBO(253, 244, 217, 1)
yellow2 → const Color
Color.fromRGBO(243, 183, 0, 1)


campaignActionTypeFromString(String? s) CampaignActionType
generateCampaignActionDesc(CampaignActionType? t) Tuple3<String?, String?, String?>

